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Discipline & Policies


FURC ensures excellent and comfortable academic environment at the campus. Students have to abide by the rules and regulations of the University and follow a code of conduct. Students are expected to observe disciplinary standards of the Campus in all their dealings. Failure to do so will be dealt with by the University Discipline Committee. The committee will recommend a suitable action against the students based on merit of the each case.

Basic Responsibilities

Basic Responsibility for Maintaining Discipline

Pro Rector/Director is responsible for overall conduct and discipline of students.

General (Campus)        - The Director, all faculty members and   administration

Class Room:                  - Teacher in the class.

Department:                - HOD/Faculty members.

Examination Hall         -  Examination Superintendent, invigilator or any
                                          other person designated/nominated by the Head
                                          of Examination Committee.

Library                            - Manager Student Affairs (MSA) and Librarian

Premises                       - Security Officer, Manager Administration.

Cafeteria/Canteen       - Manager Administration

Discipline of Students

Discipline in the Class Room

  1. Students must observe the class timings strictly. Anyone coming after 10 Minutes of the start of the class will be marked absent.
  2. Use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited (sms/playing, receiving calls, dialing etc).
  3. Students are not allowed to leave/enter the class room without permission of the teacher.
  4. Disturbance/violence/misbehavior in the class shall not be tolerated.
  5. Students must enter the class properly dressed failing which they will not be allowed to sit in the class.
  6. Threats or misbehavior with the faculty will be taken as a serious offence.
  7. Students must ensure display of ID card in the class/campus.
  8. Students must avoid situations where they are alone with a member of the opposite sex in the class room.
  9. Smoking is prohibited in the class room/at the premises except area, earmarked.
  10. Destruction of Campus fixtures/Equipment or property will be taken as serious violation.
  11. Students must not take eatables in a classroom even when the room is free.

Discipline in the Examination Hall

  1. Read the examination hall instructions before entering.
  2. Leave all kinds of helping material, chits, notes etc, outside the examination hall. Anyone found with above mentioned items will be dealt strictly.
  3. Enter the hall 15 minutes before the start of the exam.
  4. Sit at the specified seat.
  5. Layout chart of the seating plan must be consulted before sitting.
  6. Borrowing and lending stationary items is strictly prohibited, No talking whispering among one another is allowed.
  7. Do not write anything on the question paper which may facilitate others.
  8. Follow the instructions given by the invigilators. Any disobedience will be considered to be disciplinary case.

Discipline in the Library

  1. Enter with the authorized library card otherwise entry may be denied.
  2. Any student checked on misbehavior may be asked to leave by the library Incharge.
  3. Carrying of food item/drink in the library is strictly prohibited.
  4. Smoking and use of mobile phones in the library are prohibited.
  5. Maintain complete silence in the library and do not disturb others already sitting.
  6. Library timings must be followed strictly.
  7. Damaging, spoiling, mutilating books will be taken as an offense.

Discipline in the Cafeteria

  1. Avoid shouting unethical and unsocial behavior.
  2. Avoid passing unparliamentarily remarks on each other.
  3. Do not discuss political/religious matters which may cause resentment.
  4. Use of unpleasant language especially within the hearing distance of female students shall be taken as a serious offense.
  5. Respect the staff and avoid getting into arguments with them. Instead report the issue to the authority.
  6. Smoking is not allowed in the cafeteria.

Discipline at the Premises

  1. Students must enter the premises with the authorized ID Card.
  2. Students must ensure their dress meet the prescribed criteria.
  3. Students must follow good code of conduct. They shall be punished for misconduct and immoral behavior.
  4. Smoking is not allowed in the premises.
  5. No student is allowed to bring any guest unless allowed by the authority.
  6. Students are required to be punctual.
  7. Male and female students must avoid situation where they are alone with a student of the opposite sex.
  8. No male student is allowed to go to the area earmarked for female students for any purpose.
  9. Dress can be checked at the main entrance as well as by the teacher in the class/campus.
  10. Senior students should be a model for juniors.
  11. Habitual ill-disciplined student will be weeded out after thorough probation.
  12. Student absent for five consecutive weeks without information will be struck off the University rolls.
  13. Male students to maintain proper/decent hair cut and shave regularly except those with proper beard.
  14. Be polite and courteous to fellow students, teachers and staff.
  15. Instigation or taking part in any boycott of examination/class /event or create disturbance will be dealt with strictly.
  16. Students must use earphone if they want to listen to songs in the campus. Playing music via speakers is prohibited.
  17. Students must not loiter in area where they may disturb classes.
  18. Students must leave the Campus as soon as their classes are over.